Start Enjoying Safe Sun
Dear Health Conscious Friend,
Summer is just around the corner. And that means visits to the beach, to the pool, barbecues and simply enjoying your time outside in the sunshine.
Doctors everywhere would like you to believe that laying out on the beach on a Saturday morning, taking a hike – or even walking down the block – without applying sunscreen is dangerous and leads to early signs of aging, leathery skin ... even cancer.
But if you’re planning on stocking up on bottles of SPF 50 because you’re trying to avoid the dangers associated with the sun, there’s something you need to know.
Modern medical advice that stresses the importance of slathering on layers and layers of sunscreen is not the answer to protecting your skin from damage.
The truth is, spending time “unprotected” in the sun is crucial. And a radiant glow from the sun (the real sun, not a tanning bed or tanning lotion) is a sign that your skin and your body are in good shape.
You won’t hear that from the modern medical community, though.
But there’s more to that story. The sun is not the problem. It’s the solution.
The Sun Is Your Sunscreen
Your body already has everything it needs to protect itself from the sun’s UV rays built in. And if you get the chance to trigger your inner defenses, you won’t have any trouble.
Your native ancestors survived outdoors just fine. They lived and worked in the sun’s rays every day. They didn’t use sunscreen and they didn’t burn themselves to a crisp or die off from diseases caused by the sun.
Why? Because their bodies were designed perfectly to live in a natural environment... just like yours is.
You see, when you’re out in the sun, your body jumps into action and produces a natural sun protectant. It’s called melanin and I like to consider it your body’s “built-in sunscreen.”
Melanin is what causes your skin to darken or tan when you’re out in the sun. And with just a little bit of sunshine on your skin every day – 20 minutes if you have light skin and up to three times longer if your skin is darker – you’re stimulating melanin production.
By slowly developing this basic darkening, you allow yourself even more time in the sun without risk of burning.
But the modern world has prevented our “inner sunscreen” from working the way nature intended.
Let me explain ...
The problem is that even if you have the best intentions, there are a dozen other obstacles in the modern world besides sunscreen that keep you from getting enough sunshine:
- We wear clothing.
- We don’t migrate with the sun.
- We don’t live near the equator.
- We work inside during the day.
- We drive cars that block the sun.
And during the winter months, it’s not uncommon – even if you live in a warm, sunny climate like I do in South Florida – to get less sunshine just because the days are shorter.
When that happens, you produce less melanin and you become more sensitive to the sun when you’re exposed.
This is where you have to be careful. Until your body can start producing more melanin again to give you the natural protection your body needs, you’ll need to get a little help to prevent your skin from burning.
And skin burning is where exposure to sunlight can be dangerous.
Overexposure to the sun (think sunburn) does cause skin damage. It can lead to two types of superficial skin cancer ... basal- and squamous-cell carcinoma. These cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body and are very easy to treat.
To prevent sunburn, most people turn to sunscreens. But before you apply another layer of the stuff you buy at the drug store to your body, there are some things you should know.
Not All Sunscreens Are Created Equal
The modern world is responsible for our bodies not being capable of handling the sun because of the lack of melanin our skin creates. And skin-care corporations and modern doctors want you to believe the answer is sunscreen.
But what they don’t tell you is that the majority of sunscreens on the market today come with their own set of problems that can be worse than overexposure to the sun.
Many sunscreens deliver chemicals and known carcinogens into your skin ... chemicals that are banned in other countries.
One of the main chemicals used in sunscreens to filter out UVB light is octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC).
OMC can be found in 90 percent of sunscreens on the market even though studies found it can kill mouse cells – even at extremely low doses. And it becomes even more toxic when it’s exposed to sunlight!
Other harmful chemicals in commercial sunscreens include benzophenone and avobenzone.
These attack the cells in your body causing premature aging. They are also estrogen mimics that can create hormonal imbalances, cause allergic reactions and skin irritation, and are known to promote the onset of breast cancer.1
And there are plenty more. Below is a chart of some of the common chemicals found in sunscreen that you should avoid.
Parabens |
Endocrine disruptor. Mimics estrogen, upsets hormonal balances, and can cause reproductive cancer in men and women. |
PABA (may be listed as octyl-dimethyl or padimate-O) |
Attacks DNA and causes genetic mutation when exposed to sunlight |
Mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum |
Coats skin like plastic and clogs pores, traps toxins in, slows skin cell growth, disrupts normal hormone function, suspected of causing cancer |
Sodium laurel, lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate (sometimes listed as “from coconut” or “coconut derived”) |
Combined with other chemicals, it becomes nitrosamine, a powerful cancer-causing agent; penetrates your skin’s moisture barrier, allowing other dangerous chemicals to enter your bloodstream |
Phenol carbolic acid |
Circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, death from respiratory failure |
Acrylamide |
Breast cancer |
Toluene (may be listed as benzoic, benzyl, or butylated hydroxtoluene) |
Anemia, low blood cell count, liver and kidney damage, birth defects |
Propylene glycol |
Dermatitis, kidney and liver abnormalities, prevents skin growth, causes irritation |
PEG, polysorbates, laureth, ethoxylated alcohol |
Potent carcinogens containing dioxane |
The Natural Solution
The good news is that there’s a natural way to protect your skin from burning without having to worry about toxic sunscreens or having to cover yourself up before going outside on a sunny day.
I’m talking about zinc oxide.
Zinc oxide has been used all over the world for over 75 years as a safe alternative to sunscreen. And unlike chemical sunscreens that get absorbed into your blood stream, this natural solution sits on top of your skin.
It works in two ways. It reflects the sun rays and scatters them from your body... and it boosts your skin’s antioxidant defenses at the same time.
I used to use straight zinc oxide whenever I was outside for prolonged periods of time, but I never liked how it left thick, white marks on my face. It reminded me of clown makeup.
So that’s when I decided to get together with my team of expert researchers and develop a zinc oxide-based sunscreen that gives you invisible protection from a day in the sun. But zinc was just the beginning. I added a few other skin-nourishing ingredients as well.
- Shea butter. Shea butter can retain up to 248 percent of its weight in water. This makes it perfect for sun block because it leaves your skin soothed and moisturized by helping limit water loss.
- Glycerin. This is one of nature’s most powerful moisturizers. It seals in water and has been found to improve the appearance and function of your skin by helping skin cells age properly.2
- Canadian willowherb. This herb has been used since ancient times to clean, freshen and soothe skin. It’s also known to help soothe and replenish forests quickly after scorching fires... and does the same for the skin.
- Capuacu butter. This plant extract is similar to shea butter, but contains powerful antioxidants – including quercetin and kaempferol – which may help boost your skin’s natural defenses.3
The zinc oxide combined with the powerful moisturizers listed above make up my new sunscreen I call Solis. There are no harsh chemicals, no damaging toxins, only natural, pure ingredients that help shield your skin and keep you looking radiant while spending time soaking up the sun this summer.
You can try Solis risk-free today for only $49.95. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you can get every penny back. No questions asked.
But I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I do.
Click here now to get started with Solis right away.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD
1. Hanson, K., et al, “Sunscreen enhancement of UV-induced reactive oxygen species in the skin,” Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2006
2. 1 Zheng, Xiangjian, et al, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2003
3. Vicentini, F.T., et al, “Quercetin inhibits UV irradiation-induced inflammatory cytokine production in primary human keratinocytes by suppressing NF-κB pathway,” J. Dermatol Sci. March 2011;61(3):162-8
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