Ageless Beauty Secrets with Dr. Sears

Dr. Sears Reveals…

How You Can Stop Volatile Hot Flashes,
Blanket-Soaking Night Sweats, Wild “Out Of Control” Mood Swings,
And Yo-Yoing Menopausal Weight Gain…

Without Any Side Effects, Drugs, Surgeries, Or “Artificial” Health Solutions!

Dear Reader,

I try to imagine what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Being a woman, living in a world that treats menopause…a natural transition in your life…like a disease. As if there is something wrong with you.

Even worse, your only “help” to alleviate your symptoms and get you through this transition in your a collection of expensive, poisonous, and ineffective treatments.

Even though I’ve helped dozens of women deal with their symptoms head on, and regain control of their bodies (which many, in the throes of menopause, thought was impossible)…

I can’t even begin to imagine the physical, mental and emotional toll menopause takes on you.

But I can help.

Through the years, I’ve investigated nearly every old wives tale and tested dozens of natural herbal remedies and cures for menopause symptoms that exist. Some you’ve heard of…and others, you haven’t.

These tests have allowed me to develop custom protocols that offer my individual patients…side-effect free relief from their specific symptoms. Giving them back control of their body and relieving their discomfort.

But while we’ve had success at my clinic helping my patients get relief from their menopausal symptoms, I’ve had to sit back and watch the medical community produce solutions that offer more harm than relief.

That ends today.

Recently, I combined the strongest natural ingredients into a formula for menopausal women.

I’ve used my experiences with patients and extensive research to develop this formula that can give you complete relief of your menopausal symptoms.

In it are natural cures proven to offer effective relief from hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, weight gain and balance out your hormones – without any side effects.

The difference this has made in my patient’s lives is remarkable, and it can do the same for you.

You’ll finally be able to relax again and not worry about how your mood, emotions and body will feel at any given moment – or how it will affect those around you…

Go out again without worrying about flare ups, sleep through the night without waking up in a sweat, and feel amorous, like you want to be close with your partner again.

My brand-new menopausal protocol can help you feel like yourself again, and free you from being a slave to your menopausal symptoms

Now, let me show you in detail exactly how this new formula will help you...

Mediterranean Berry Is The Key To Re-Balancing Your Hormones During Menopause…


Most doctors treat low estrogen as the sole cause of menopause. But looking at declining estrogen only gives you half the picture.

At the onset of menopause, your body’s progesterone production falls to almost zero. Many women I measure have progesterone below the lowest detectable limit of the blood test.

Why does this matter to you? Because progesterone helps your body in so many vital ways, such as:

• Using fat better
• Assisting thyroid hormone action
• Elevating your mood
• Keeping your blood sugar normal
• Boosting your love life
• Keeping blood clotting at normal levels
• Protecting against some cancers
• Stimulating bone building1

It’s no wonder when your body’s progesterone falls during menopause you gain weight, feel depressed and lose interest in intimacy.

In my clinic, we use Chasteberry to help support your natural progesterone levels.

Chasteberry has a variety of active compounds that affect different aspects of the reproductive system. Together they help create a balancing, normalizing effect in your body.2

A University of Connecticut and St. Francis Hospital joint study found that most symptoms common to menopause significantly improved with active treatment of Chasteberry. A majority of women taking Chasteberry had the severity of their overall symptoms cut in half.3

In another Chasteberry leaf study, of the women who participated…

• 80% felt improvement with mood swings, depression, personality changes…
• 27% felt improvement with memory loss, disorientation, difficult concentrating…
• 64% felt improvement with hot flushes or night sweats…
• 83% felt improvement with dryness and pain during intimate relations…
• 56% saw improvement with insomnia...
• 50% saw improvement with heavy or prolonged bleeding...
• 46% saw improvement in their desire and libido...4

One participant even said Chasteberry, “Alleviated symptoms as described and gave me balance – peacefulness and relaxation that was much needed and greatly appreciated".

Chasteberry and its leaf, while nature’s natural hormone balancer—is most important for its positive effects on progesterone.

Equally as important, of course, is estrogen. At my clinic, we have honed in on one specific natural compound that helps offer support for your estrogen shortfall.

Wild Herb From The Meadows Of Europe And Asia Gives You A Natural Estrogen Boost…

At my clinic we’ve had great success using “isoflavones” to naturally boost estrogen without elevating you to excess levels - - and promote natural estrogen production.

Isoflavones are naturally occurring compounds, many of which are phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). They allow your body, when you’re experiencing symptoms of menopause, to increase production of estrogen, and also shift production to a safe, natural pathway, unlike chemicals and fake estrogen “mimics.”

We’ve found three safe and effective herbs for natural menopausal symptom relief, containing the plant estrogens that work the best. In fact, these three not only work well separately, but also work well together to relieve the mild symptoms associated with menopause.

The first is Red Clover, or Trifolium pretense. It’s a wild-growing herb with isoflavones that is so effective, one manufacturer patented it years ago and has modified it to use as a hormone drug. 5


But you don’t need their lab-creation. Many studies have found that natural red clover is a potent reliever of symptoms associated with menopause…

  • One study found red clover isoflavone supplementation significantly decreased menopausal symptoms, up to 75% compared to a placebo group when measured on the Kupperman Index.6
  • Another study gave 109 postmenopausal women who were 40 or older two capsules of red clover. Those who took red clover had a 76% reduction in anxiety and 78.3% reduction in depression symptoms.7
  • Another study that looked at the same number of women who were 40 and over showed red clover isoflavones reduced the women’s daily hot flushes and night sweats by an average of nearly 75%!8,9

These isoflavones, when they come from the right herbs in just the right amounts, help fulfill many of the needs your body has for estrogen so you can maintain your body’s estrogen-dependant functions.

These isoflavones and plant estrogens are so important that I’ve included two additional components that will give you tremendous menopause symptom relief. They are black cohosh and Dong Quai.

“The Best Herbal Treatment I’ve Found For Low Estrogen Caused By Mood Swings And Hot Flashes…”

Black Cohosh is unique because it is the best herbal support I have found to support good moods and relieve hot flashes associated with menopause. This is why I’ve included it in my new proprietary menopausal protocol.

It also works to normalize your hormones and gently helps you regain your interest in intimacy.

A study of 304 menopausal women proves that what I’ve found through my own work in my clinic is true: black cohosh is effective and well-tolerated for reducing menopausal symptoms – especially hot flashes.10

In another 6-month study, as measured by the Kupperman Index, black cohosh reduced the hot flash score by 85%.11

A double blind study of premenopausal and postmenopausal women treated with two different doses of black cohosh (39mg and 127.3mg) both saw a decrease of menopausal symptoms by 70% and 72% respectively. 12

The last of these three natural herbals that offers a balance in the body is Angelica sinensis, or Dong Quai as it’s more commonly known.

Dong Quai grows at high altitudes in the cold, damp, mountains of China, Korea, and Japan. It works best in concert with the herbal components I’ve included in this protocol.

Along with Chasteberry, Red Clover, Black Cohosh and Dong Quai I’ve also included seven additional safe, effective herbs that work to provide you the menopausal symptom relief you need.

They are…

• Sage Leaves
• Licorice Root
• Red Raspberry Leaves
• Wild Yam Extract
• Blessed Thistle
• Squaw Vines
• False Unicorn Root

Look these up and you won’t find many scientific studies on them. Why? Because the mainstream medical establishment is 15 years behind the work I’m doing with natural menopausal relief. They are still stuck trying to create “artificial” solutions and develop new chemicals in their lab to try on you.

It can take decades for the work that my natural health colleagues and I do to filter out to the mainstream medical community...

Fortunately, today you have the chance to get a proven protocol—before manufacturers get their hands on them and try to trick you with their chemical abominations—that will help give you relief from menopausal symptoms naturally.

Reduce night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, menopausal weight gain, insomnia, and even reignite your dipping libido. All naturally without any side effects.

Balance your body and your life

You Now Have The Best Possible Menopausal Support On Your Side

All of the top-performing nutrients and botanicals I mentioned in this letter are part of the formula I designed that I call Balance.

Balance combines the very best natural menopausal cures, each offering relief from your symptoms and support for your natural hormonal functions.

Enjoy good company at a restaurant without worrying that you’re suddenly going to get hit with a hot flash ... sleep through the night without waking up bathed in sweat ... and reclaim control over your body.

Balance could be the best, easiest way to get back to living your life the way you want, so you never have to give menopause a second thought.

I developed Balance after years of searching for and uncovering the newest and most effective ingredients known to support menopause health.

The nutrients you’ll find in every bottle are your best shot at keeping your menopausal symptoms at bay and your hormones balanced.

The women who come to my clinic would agree. In fact, I have women coming to my clinic from all over the world. They make the extra effort because they know I have a reputation for getting results.

You Can Get The Same Help As The Women At My Clinic Right Now ... Without Leaving Your Home

For a limited time only, you can take advantage of a special savings on Balance:

When you order The Best Deal Today, you’ll receive 2 BONUS E-Books I’ve prepared especially for you absolutely FREE. With the secrets you’ll find in these two reports, you’ll be able to conquer two other major issues in women’s health:


BONUS # 1: Brain Food For A Youthful Mind E-Book ($14.99 value, yours FREE)

This e-book offers plenty of tips for a healthy brain, including:

• How to get rid of the amino acid that doubles your risk for Alzheimer’s.

• The keys to defending your brain from toxins in the modern world

• Secret breakfast food the British use to keep their minds sharp – for a week at a time!

• A fibrous vegetable that protects your brain for hours on end

• Plus, brain-boosting vitamins, brain berries and more!

BONUS # 2: The Doctor’s Heart Cure For Women E-Book ($14.99 value, yours FREE)

Bonus 2

In this e-book we'll look closely at how what you eat, how you work out and which risk factors, and supplements affect your heart. Then I’ll show you what you can do to protect your heart and keep it young.

Here’s a quick look at what you’ll find inside The Doctor’s Heart Cure For Women:

  • We'll look at the recent research on what causes heart disease in women. This is important because it reveals how risk factors in women differ. Few doctors know this and your doctor might overlook important tests when assessing your health.
  • We'll see why women are more likely to be deficient in important fats and nutrients because of common yet flawed diet advice.
  • Hours of aerobic exercise won't make your heart stronger. Yet heart cure exercise will make you slimmer, trimmer, stronger, and healthier. And it’s faster and more fun. You’ll see a version adapted to women so you don’t have to worry that it will bulk up your muscles or make you any less feminine.
  • And, you’ll have a guide you can use for supplements tailored specifically to your unique needs as a woman.

In addition, when you place your order for Balance (whether its 3-month auto ship, or just one trial bottle), you get my unconditional promise that no matter what, if you’re not totally happy with the relief you get with Balance, I’ll return every cent you paid. So there’s no risk to you!

Try It Risk-Free, And Start Getting Relief From Your Menopausal Symptoms!

When your shipment of Balance arrives, open a bottle and take one caplet. Do that every single day. Then, in a week, look in a mirror and take a quick self-assessment.

I bet you’ll notice some subtle – and maybe not so subtle – changes. Most obviously, you’ll get relief from your menopausal symptoms and a gentle balancing of your hormones. You may start to generally feel better in ways you never expected, like you are in control of your own body again. But whatever the results, you are the final judge...

If for any reason … or for no reason at all … you do not want to continue taking Balance, just return the unused portion – or even the empty bottles.

Then I will give you a complete and prompt refund of every penny. That way, you risk nothing.

So why not get started right away? Balance gets shipped right to your door, and you don’t have to risk a single dime.

Don’t let menopause continue to take control of your life, and never worry about ineffective treatments again. Start living a more active, relaxed and in control life again…

Get started now!

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, M.D.

P.S. I believe Balance is the best way to safely and reliably eliminate the painful and overblown symptoms of menopause. But if for any reason you feel like it’s not working for you, I’ve got you covered.You will get a full refund when you return the unused portion of Balance.

That’s my promise to you. I want you to have the opportunity to overcome the unique modern challenges of midlife... WITHOUT any risk or regret.


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I understand that if I am not satisfied for any reason … or for no reason at all … I may return the unused portion of Balance to you at any time for a full and prompt refund of every penny I paid. That way, I risk nothing.

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I understand that if I am not satisfied for any reason … or for no reason at all … I may return the unused portion of Balance to you at any time for a full and prompt refund of every penny I paid. That way, I risk nothing.

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1. “Progesterone: Frequently Asked Questions,” Association of Women for the Advancement of Research and Education. April, 2006. Retrieved Feb 28, 2012.
2. Snow JM. Vitex agnus-castus L. (Verbenaceae). Protocol J Botanic Med 1996;1(4):20-3.
3. Schellenberg R. Treatment for the premenstrual syndrome with agnus castus fruit extract: prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study. BMJ 2001; 322:134-37.
4. Lucks al, Vitex agnus-castus essential oil and menopausal balance: a self-care survey Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, Volume 8, Issue 3, August 2002, 148154
6. Hidalgo LA et al, The effect of red clover isoflavones on menopausal symptoms, lipids and vaginal cytology in menopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. 2005 Nov;21(5):257-64.
7. Lipovac M, et al, Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment with isoflavonesderived from red clover extracts. Maturitas. 2010 Mar;65(3):258-61. doi:
8. Lipovac M. et al, The effect of red clover isoflavone supplementation over vasomotor and menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2012 Mar;28(3):203-7. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2011.593671. Epub 2011 Aug 26.
9. Lipovac M. et al, The effect of red clover isoflavone supplementation over vasomotor and menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2012 Mar;28(3):203-7. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2011.593671. Epub 2011 Aug 26.
10. Nasr A, Nafeh H, Influence of black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) use by postmenopausal women on total hepatic perfusion and liver functions, Fertil Steril. 2009 Nov;92(5):1780-2. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2009.05.038. Epub 2009 Jun 21.
11. Oktem M, E. D. Et All Black cohosh and fluoxetine in the treatment of postmenopausal symptoms: a prospective, randomized trial. Adv Ther. 2007 Mar-Apr;24(2):448-61.
12. Liske E et al, Physiological investigation of a unique extract of black cohosh (Cimicifugae racemosae rhizoma): a 6-month clinical study demonstrates no systemic estrogenic effect. J Womens Health Gend Based Med. 2002 Mar;11(2):163-74.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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