
DNA Rejuvenating Night Cream
Rejuvenate your cells overnight and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles and age spots with the new & improved DNA supporting power of this all natural night cream.

3 Bottles every 3 Months
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Product Description

Refreshing Night Cream

Refresh your skin overnight and reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles with this all natural night cream.

Wake Up in the Morning with the Beautiful Results You Deserve

The world’s skin beautifying night cream just got better!

When you use TeloRevive, you can rest assured that every single ingredient is hand-selected by me to provide a healthy, vibrant look to your skin. Like…

  • Cat’sClaw(uncaria tomentosa)
    I discovered this in the Peruvian Rainforest while visiting the Ashaninka Indians. There they have been using the unique, clawed vine for thousands of years to slow the appearance of aging in its tracks.
  • Hibiscus(rosa-sinensis)
    Also known as Bali’s “Skin Plant,” this incredible bloom earned its nickname because of its ability to promote the appearance of firming and lifting skin.
  • Shiso(perilla frutescens)
    The oil from this plant is the secret behind the flawless complexions that Japanese women are famous for. It is soothing for your complexion, promoting a smooth and blemish free appearance.

And that’s only to name a few.

What you won’t find are parabens, carcinogens or pollutants of any kind like you often find in commercial creams. You’ll find only the finest, purest, most natural ingredients in every Pure Radiance product, not just in TeloRevive.


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Created by America’s #1
Anti Aging Doctor

Created by America’s #1
Anti Aging Doctor

Dr. Al Sears unveils a health-focused revolution, drawing from a lifetime of challenging mainstream medicine and embracing nature's profound healing secrets. His unique approach, honed from extensive global research and detailed in over 35 published books, confronts the modern threats of environmental toxins, helping patients rediscover their "Native Health" and shield against accelerated aging.