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To Your Good Health,

Dr. Sears Signature

Al Sears, MD

Repair Your Skin for Smoother, Brighter, Younger-Looking Skin... New 'DNA Technology' Re-Programs Skin Cells to Grow Younger — Dramatically Reducing Lines, Wrinkles and Dark Spots

When I heard about this groundbreaking discovery, I couldn’t believe my ears. It literally changes EVERYTHING we thought we knew about aging.

To say I’m excited about this new “DNA technology” would be an understatement. And when you see how it allows you to take control of how fast you age – and stay younger-looking longer than your peers – well, you’re going to be excited too.

With this amazing scientific breakthrough, you can prolong the life of every one of your skin cells – by “programming” them to grow younger.

And when the cells in your face get younger, lines and wrinkles smooth away. Dark spots fade. And moisture increases so you can put off Botox and dermal fillers for years.

You can have a younger-looking face
no matter your age

Dear Friend,

Dr. Al Sears, M.D.

My name is Dr. Al Sears, M.D.

Now don’t be fooled by the “M.D.” after my name. I’m not your typical doctor of “conventional medicine” – not by a long shot. Yes, I graduated from the University Of South Florida College of Medicine with honors in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Physical Medicine. But from there, I took a different path than most M.Ds…

Why am I telling you all this? Because I want you to understand why I have such a passion to help you look and feel younger. The truth is…

You don’t have to spend a fortune on Botox, fillers and plastic surgery. At least, not yet. This game-changing anti-aging technology I’ve been talking about can soften those lines and wrinkles… plump up the moisture in your skin… and fade those dark spots – and help you look (and stay looking) younger longer.

You see…

Deep inside every one of your cells is a
“control switch” that determines how fast you age


At the end of each strand of DNA is a small cap called a telomere (pronounced tee-lo-mere).

Scientists had long suspected that these tiny caps protect the ends of your DNA – much like the plastic tips on the ends your shoelaces help keep your laces from unraveling. But, until recently, no one knew how the telomeres did it. (But more on that in a moment!)

Here’s what researchers knew at the time…

Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. And as your telomeres get shorter, your cells become weaker and more decrepit.

In fact, the shorter your telomeres get – the older your cells become. That explains why you age gradually. Over time, your skin begins to lose its youthful glow. Wrinkles and dark spots start to appear. And you start looking – and feeling – progressively older.

When telomeres get too short, the cell can no longer divide. And that’s when the cell dies.

Now here’s where things begin to get exciting…

Nobel Prize-winning scientist discovered how to

SLOW telomere shortening
– so you can keep radiant, beautiful skin longer

In 2009, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn of the University of California received the Nobel Prize of Medicine for her discovery of an enzyme called telomerase (pronounced tel-AH-mer-AZE).

Telomerase is like "a fountain of youth" for your DNA. Not only can it help prevent the shortening of your telomeres, but…

It can even lengthen or “rebuild” them!

By keeping longer telomeres, your DNA “blueprint” tells your body to make younger-looking cells. In clinical studies, longer telomeres translated to moister, firmer skin – and fewer age spots and wrinkles.

The only thing you have to do is turn on this Fountain of Youth enzyme in your skin cells – and I found a way to do just that…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream
works in your cells’ DNA to slow down aging
– and “turns on” smoother, younger-looking skin

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream

I used that Nobel Prize-winning discovery to develop a breakthrough formula that works deep inside your DNA to slow down the aging of your skin – and visibly reduce your lines, wrinkles and dark spots.

You see… the secret to keeping your skin looking young and vibrant is to slow the shortening of your telomeres. It’s as simple as that.

And that’s exactly what TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is designed to do.

I combined three powerful, skin-transforming nutrients that have been proven in scientific studies to actually slow down the rate of telomere shortening…

…So you can produce younger cells – and experience a lasting youthful, radiant complexion.

These breakthrough ingredients include…

Skin Transformer #1:

The Amazing Gene Jump-Starter

Reprogram your skin to produce younger and younger cells

First up is teprenone. This potent extract activates the genes that regulates the length of your telomeres which helps delay the shortening process. But that’s not all…

Teprenone also shields your skin from harmful free radicals and supports your skin’s natural antioxidant activity – warding off damage from the sun, cigarette smoke and other environmental toxins that cause premature aging. Plus, it improves the metabolism of your skin cells and prevents the loss of cell function by up to 60%.

It literally “reprograms” your skin to produce younger and younger cells – and has the ability to radically transform your appearance.

Just check out the results of patients who used teprenone in clinical trials…

For you, those numbers can mean younger-looking, smoother, more attractive skin!

Skin Transformer #2:

The Age-Reversing Plant Extract

You may not have heard of baicalin before. It’s an all-natural flavonoid that reverses aging in your fibroblasts – and returns your skin to a younger cellular age.

What are fibroblasts?

Repairing breaks in your DNA

They are the cells that provide structure, strength and resilience in your skin.

Baicalin works by restoring the telomere length in your fibroblasts and repairing breaks in your DNA – which allows your skin to produce healthy, youthful cells.

And as your cells get younger and younger, your skin will become smoother, firmer and more elastic.

Skin Transformer #3:

Fountain of Youth” Activator

I found cat’s claw in the tropical jungles of South and Central America. It’s a climbing plant that’s well known for its anti-aging and skin-renewing powers. The locals revere it so much that they call it the “Sacred Herb of the Rainforest.” And you’ll probably agree with them when you see what it does…

Cats Claw. GNU Free Documentation License. Author: Vangeliq Petrova.

Cat’s claw turns on the telomerase enzyme – yes, the one discovered by the Nobel Prize-winning scientist – which, in turn, signals your telomeres to grow longer and produce younger cells.

But that’s not all. Cat’s claw also repairs DNA damage in your skin cells caused by smoking, alcohol, pollution and other environmental attacks.

In a placebo-controlled study of 12 Swedish men and women, those taking a cat’s claw supplement for eight weeks had significantly less DNA damage – and more DNA repair – than the placebo group.

With less DNA damage – and longer telomeres – your skin is transformed. It becomes more moist, smooth and firm – and glows with a radiance that you haven’t seen in years.

I knew any formula containing these three telomere-lengthening ingredients would bring a youthful vibrancy back to your skin. But this unique cream doesn’t stop there…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream
plumps up your skin with much-needed moisture
– making you look years younger

As the years go by, you lose more and more moisture from your skin.

That’s why you experience the dryness… sagging… and wrinkles that seem to inevitably come with aging.

By feeding your skin these three moisture-enhancing nutrients, you can boost the water content of your skin – and get back the youthful, smooth skin you had years ago.

Moisture-Enhancer #1

The Mega Youth Restorer

Hyaluronic acid

When you’re young, you naturally have a lot of hyaluronic acid (HA) in your skin. HA has the ability to absorb and hold huge amounts of water – up to 1,000 times its weight. That water plumps up your skin and gives you the smooth, taut, fullness normally associated with youth.

But your body makes less and less HA as you age. That causes the moisture content of your skin to plummet – and you begin to experience sagging, dryness and the dreaded fine lines and wrinkles.

The hyaluronic acid in TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream works at a cellular level to restore that lost moisture and enhance skin volume and elasticity – so you can look years younger!

Plus, it acts as a “carrier” to deliver other skin-restoring ingredients deep into your cells where they can do the most good.

Moisture Enhancer #2:

The Hydrating Dark Spot Eraser


Your skin naturally produces a substance called squalene when you’re young. But when you hit your 20s, your levels of this powerful hydrator begin to decrease rapidly.

That leaves your skin vulnerable to environmental toxins… sunburn… and damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. And you end up with roughness… dark spots… and wrinkles.

When you add squalene to your skincare regimen, you get powerful hydrating action that penetrates into the deepest layer of your skin… a powerful barrier against water loss… and boosted cell regeneration.

And that gives you restored moisture and suppleness… reduced fine lines and wrinkles… lighter dark spots… and a soft, glowing complexion.

Moisture Enhancer #3:

The Skin-Firming Wonder

Astragalus herb

The astragalus herb offers a host of benefits for your skin. For starters, it boosts hyaluronic acid production in your skin – ramping up the moisture and reducing signs of aging.i

At the same time, it promotes the production of collagen – which is the protein that helps hold your skin cells together. As a result, your skin’s firmness, suppleness and elasticity are restored – and lines and wrinkles are diminished.

Plus, astragalus helps your skin eliminate toxins – and heals damage caused by overexposure to the sunii – bringing out the youthful radiance and beauty of your skin.

So, as you can see, this powerful formula gives your skin the nutrients it needs to retain moisture – which is another key to younger-looking skin. But there’s one more thing this age-defying formula does…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream
helps your skin repair itself while you sleep

You already know that melatonin helps you get a good night’s rest. But did you know it also helps repair your skin cells?

Your body pushes melatonin up to your skin’s surface every night – to switch it into repair mode while you sleep. At least, that’s how it worked when you were younger. By the time you reach middle age, very little melatonin makes it into your skin – which puts a real damper on the repair process.

That’s why I included melatonin in TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream. It rejuvenates your skin while you sleep, so you can awaken with a fresher, younger-looking complexion.

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream
is your secret weapon
for youthful, radiant skin

As you’ve discovered, TeloRevive delivers powerful, anti-aging nutrients to your skin…

Restores youthful, radiant skin

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream also gives you…

But let me tell you what you won’t find…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream will never contain parabens, carcinogens, pollutants or gasoline distillates. (Yes, some personal care products contain chemicals that are byproducts of refining gasoline!)

It’s made with only the finest, purest, most natural ingredients. It’s never toxic. And it will never do anything but nourish and beautify your skin.

People across the world
are turning the tables on aging with
smoother, firmer, moister, younger-looking skin

It’s my life mission to help people look and feel their best. So nothing makes me happier than to hear from folks who have tried TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream – and saw amazing results. Here is just a sample of comments I’ve received…

After using TeloRevive, Karen W. in Kolonia, FSM ran into someone she hadn’t seen in several months – and he told her she looks younger! Plus, she said…

I did a small experiment on myself when I noticed a new small brown spot on my wrist. I have put TeloRevive on it daily for the past few days and now it's gone!”

Ingela A. from La Orotava, NY sees a change in her appearance – after using TeloRevive for just five weeks! She said…

I can see already that my skin is brighter, and the tone is more even and firmer. Thanks a lot!”

J.D. in Montgomery, AL says she won’t be without her TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream

This cream has substance. It smooths on easily, sinks in quickly and does its job without any residue at all. My skin is brighter and the fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes and mouth are diminishing. My skin is firmer, smoother, and moist again. I just love it and don't want to be without it! Thank you, Dr. Sears.”

And Lynne T. in High Wycombe, England says even her husband has noticed a difference in her skin…

My skin looks more youthful, and my husband tells me that my skin feels lovely and smooth, I also find that using TeloRevive does not leave an oily finish, which I have found with other products.”

Try TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream
and look YEARS younger
– while saving up to 25%!

I know other moisturizers – even expensive ones – have disappointed you.

But you see… most moisturizers just lay on the surface of your skin. They don’t penetrate down deep into your cells – into your DNA – to actually change how your skin functions…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream

…Like TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream does.

With this groundbreaking formula, you can extend the life of your telomeres – and produce younger skin cells longer. Plus, you infuse your skin with moisture and enable it to make much-needed repairs at night.

As a result, skin aging is slowed – or even halted. Lines, wrinkles and age spots are reduced. And you stay younger-looking longer.

Plus, if you act today, you can save up to 25% on your purchase of TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream!

But that’s not all…

Order today and you’ll receive the Special Report
Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging
– a $14.95 value, FREE!

Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging

You’ve already discovered how you can use TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream to slow down – or even halt – your skin’s aging process while you sleep.

But what about the rest of your body? What would happen if you prevented telomere shortening and repaired DNA in your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and more?

You’re about to find out…

When you order three or more jars of TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream today, I’ll send you my free special e-report, Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging.

Inside its pages, you’ll discover…

It gives you all the information you need to turn back time – and stay younger and healthier longer. And it’s yours FREE with your purchase of TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream.

Plus, you also get my 100% Money-Back Guarantee of Satisfaction…

TeloRevive will take YEARS off your appearance
– or you will get every penny back!

I’m so certain you’re going to love how young and radiant your face looks after using TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream that I’m willing to make the boldest guarantee around…

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the results you’re getting…

…If your skin isn’t smoother, firmer, and moister…

…If your fine lines and wrinkles and dark spots simply refuse to budge…

…Just send back the unused portion or empty jar within 90 days, and I will send you a full refund of every penny you paid – no questions asked.

So what have you got to lose?

Try TeloRevive today
and look as young on the outside
as you still feel on the inside

Thanks to the scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging I mentioned earlier, you have the unprecedented opportunity to halt – or, at the very least, slow – the aging process…

…And show a younger, more beautiful face to the world.

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream taps into the power of Nobel Prize-winning DNA technology to give you the purest, most natural and effective way to…

TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream

So you can look YEARS younger than your actual age!

You’re covered by my 100% Money-Back Guarantee of Satisfaction, so you can get a refund without any fuss. There’s really nothing standing in your way of youthful, age-defying skin.

Go ahead. Place your order below. And begin experiencing the joy and confidence boost that comes with a healthier, younger-looking face.

Personal guarantee


Introductory Offer
– Get 2 Bottles for One Low Price!

2 Bottles of TeloRevive for Just $99.97

Order my BEST DEAL now and get 2 jars of TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream for only $99 with FREE shipping and handling. That’s a savings of $99.97 off regular retail price!

Plus, you’ll get my special e-report, Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging (a $14.95 value) absolutely FREE.

Remember, if you’re not satisfied you can get a prompt refund of every dollar you paid. That way, you risk nothing.

Special Offer - FREE E-Report


Order 1 jar of TeloRevive for just $99.97 plus $8.95 Shipping & Handling ($108.92 total).

Trial Offer

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Copyright © 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Pure Radiance, Inc. • (888) 795-4005 •
11905 Southern Blvd. Ste. 102, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Individual results may vary.