Antioxidants have certainly generated a buzz in the media lately. And for good reason. These powerful defenders give your skin the protection it needs to fight against free radicals on a day-to-day basis.
And this protection is exactly what you need to keep your skin smooth and firm — no matter what your age. In fact, antioxidants could be the reason why one 50-year-old woman can have smooth skin and another can have wrinkles that make her look many years older.
Free radicals are unstable atoms that come from pollution, smoking — even overexposure to the sun. And they cause damage to the healthy cells in your body.
I consider them to be the number one enemy of youthful skin.
That’s why antioxidants are so important. Antioxidants are nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables. And they help neutralize free radicals before they have the chance to do damage to your skin.
If you’re anything like me, it can be a struggle to eat your daily fruits and vegetables and stick to a balanced diet. This means it’s also pretty difficult to get all of the antioxidants your skin needs to stay healthy, youthful, and strong — unless you put your mind to it.
If you always find yourself grabbing lunch on the go or munching on a power bar between meetings at work, you’re probably not getting enough nutrients from the foods you eat. But don’t beat yourself up. I’ve been there.
The majority of us don’t get the antioxidants we need every day to keep our skin healthy. And without these vital antioxidants, your skin is even more susceptible to damage. And there’s an even greater chance that your skin will wrinkle — no matter how many fancy products you put on it.
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Fight free radicals with fruit. |
It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
The good news is that cleaning up your nutrition for just a few days is enough to visibly improve the quality of your skin.
Some great ways to give yourself some skin-essential nutrients are through these vitamins A- and C-rich foods:
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Cantaloupe
- Peaches
- Green peppers
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
Remember, the brighter and more diverse the selection, the better!
Best Wishes for Health and Beauty,
Tara Smith, ARNP, NP-C
[Ed. Note: Tara Smith, ARNP NP-C, is a board-certified nurse practitioner. Her medical concentration is on aesthetics, teaching and family practice. Tara is conducting research trials into novel ways of naturally boosting the human growth hormone and working on a new book on anti-aging for women.]