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Do a Skincare “Diet”

There’s a new skincare trend that’s got the Internet buzzing… It’s called a “detoxing face fast” and it basically means you stop putting any products on your skin.

No cleansers, no moisturizer, no makeup — nothing. The only thing you do is wash your face with warm water.

It may sound like a good idea. But I don’t recommend it. Let me explain.

It’s true that most of the skincare products on the market today can cause a lot of damage to your skin. We’ve talked about them before.

But… your skin still needs a layer of protection between it and our toxic environment.

My suggestion is to skip the fast and go on a skincare “diet” instead…

You see, the average woman applies 12 products to her skin. And that’s way too many.

Your skin was designed to self-moisturize with its own sebum, self-exfoliate by shedding skin cells and self-heal.

But what ends up happening is that all of the products that you use end up taking over these built-in functions instead of supporting them. And your skin becomes dependent upon them in what’s known as tachyphylaxis.

Eliminating the overuse of products — especially those with dangerous and damaging ingredients — helps your skin develop a more diverse microbiome. This in turn, will allow your skin to become more reliant and allow it to detox and heal.

Most skincare products simply sit on the surface of your skin. And this damages your skin’s delicate microbiome. This microbiome consists of billions of friendly living microorganisms called the skin flora. They work together like an invisible eco-system to keep your skin healthy, youthful and in perfect balance.

This invisible eco shield also prevents dangerous “bad” bacteria from getting under your skin. But your face still needs protection from the destructive effects of aging.

You see, the sun, pollution, smog, poor nutrition and other toxins in your environment attack your face in the form of “oxidative stress” or “free radicals.” Free radicals damage the skin’s DNA and attack healthy cells. This speeds skin aging.

You need a layer of protection between your delicate microbiome and the outside world.

How to Go on A Skincare “Diet”

I recommend fasting for at least a week since it takes that long to get back in balance. But two weeks to a month is ideal if you can do it…

  1. Wash with a probiotic cleanser. Cold water won’t remove sweat and grime. Hot water will irritate and dry out your skin. Tepid temperature will loosen any dirt, while maintaining your natural oils.
  2. Apply a CoQ10 toner. CoQ10 keeps older cells functioning like younger cells. This in turn, helps your face look younger and protects it against future damage.
  3. Attract more moisture to your skin with hyaluronic acid (HA). HA can hold 1,000 times its own weight in water. Found in every tissue, this gel-like matrix sits just below the surface of your skin. It surrounds the collagen fibers that give your face its shape.

    When you’re young, levels of HA are high. And all the extra water gives your face that clean, firm shape. But levels drop off with age. And the loss of HA brings the appearance of dry skin and wrinkles, not to mention sagging, drooping skin. HA puts back the water you lose with age.

  4. Skip the commercial skincare junk. Look for an all-natural antioxidant moisturizer with all-natural ingredients.

To Your Best Health Ever,
Rachel Koenig