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My Best Anti-Aging Skin Secret

Here’s a little-known beauty secret that can help rejuvenate your skin. And it won’t cost you a penny.

This secret can do more than any cosmetic cover-up – no matter how expensive. It’s all-natural, 100% safe, and no one has to know you use it. But they will notice.

What’s the secret? It’s P.A.C.E., the first and only anti-aging fitness program. Just a few minutes a day promotes healthier-looking, more beautiful skin. The best part is… you get to have fun doing it.

When I developed P.A.C.E., I wanted to help people drop weight and re-energize their hearts and lungs safely. Thousands of my patients and readers have slimmed down and gotten fit with P.A.C.E..

Recently, the women taking part in our P.A.C.E. study group kept mentioning they noticed something besides fat melting and increased strength. They kept telling me their skin looked healthier and more youthful than it had in years.

One of the reasons is that excess weight takes a heavy toll on your skin. It weakens your skin barrier, affects wound healing, changes your skin’s structure, and promotes several skin diseases.1

Carrying excess pounds also increases your risk of diabetes – which can lead to skin infections, scaly patches and many other skin problems.2

My patients weren’t just dropping weight and building heart and lung strength… with P.A.C.E., their skin was becoming healthier and more attractive.

Even if you’re not overweight, P.A.C.E. can help your skin’s appearance.

P.A.C.E. doesn’t shrink your heart and lungs the way cardio and aerobics workouts do. Instead, P.A.C.E. helps you increase the pumping power of your heart and improves circulation. And that means your blood carries more nutrients to your skin, keeping it stronger, tighter and acting younger.

Intense exertion also promotes the release of human growth hormone (H.G.H.). H.G.H. increases your lean muscle while lowering body fat3… so you become leaner, sexier and more toned.

Physical exertion also stimulates production of collagen,4 one of the basic building blocks of skin and muscle, promoting a naturally beautiful and more youthful look.

The good news is, with P.A.C.E., you only need minutes – instead of hours – to get the benefits. And you don’t need a gym, either.

P.A.C.E. stands for Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion. And it turns the old notion of “exercise” on its head. In fact, P.A.C.E. is practically anti-exercise. Instead of plodding along for hours in the hot sun, or on a treadmill, you work out more intensely in short bursts, and fully recover in between.

P.A.C.E. challenges your maximum capacity just a little bit, forcing your body to adapt. This improves the way your body uses oxygen and nutrients. And getting more oxygen and nutrients ultimately improves your skin’s appearance.

And P.A.C.E. is never boring. You can do any kind of exertion P.A.C.E.-style, so it’s always exactly what you want to do. Bike, swim, sprint, walk, or calistenics … anything can be turned into a P.A.C.E. workout.

You can even try skipping. I’m not kidding.

Skip – as high as you can – until you’re getting out of breath. At first, it may take less than a minute. TThen just stop until you catch your breath and recover. Then repeat.

Do this for just 12 minutes total including exertion time and recovery. That’s it. But I guarantee it’ll be one heck of a workout.

If skipping isn’t your thing, try jumping rope. You’ll be amazed at how fast your heart rate picks up. Again, when you’re breathing hard, it’s time to walk until your heart rate comes down – to about 30 beats above your resting rate.

If you’re already in fairly good shape, try a interval-training workout. Here’s a sample:

  • Push-Ups – 10 reps
  • Crunches – 10 reps
  • Pull-Ups – 10 reps
  • Lunges – 10 reps, each leg
  • Triceps Dips – 10 reps
  • Run/Sprint (to your best ability) – 50 – 100 yards or 10 – 20 seconds

At the end of the set, rest until your heart rate lowers to at least 30 beats above your resting heart rate. For example, if you have a resting heart rate of 70, complete a challenging set, then rest until your heart rate goes back down to about 100 beats (30 beats above your resting rate), and repeat the circuit.

The beauty of P.A.C.E. is that it takes so little time. And it’s not just your body that’ll be ready for a bikini… you’re skin will, too.

To Your Good Health,

Dr. Sears' signature

Al Sears, MD

[1] Yosipovitch, G., et al, “Obesity and the skin: Skin physiology and skin manifestations of obesity,” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology June 2007; 56(6): 901-916
[2] “Living With Diabetes: Skin Complications,” Amer. Diabetes Assoc.
[3] Godfrey, R.J., et al, “The Exercise-Induced Growth Hormone Response in Athletes,” Sports Medicine 2003; 33(8): 599-613
[4] Miller, B.F., et al, “Coordinated collagen and muscle protein synthesis in human patella tendon and quadriceps muscle after exercise,” The Journal of Physiology Sept. 15, 2005;567: 102