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Not So Vein


Warm weather is quickly approaching. And that means dresses, skirts and shorts will start making their way back into your wardrobe.

But for some women, the thought of wearing leg-revealing outfits can make them self conscious and uncomfortable – thanks to varicose veins.

For many people, varicose veins are a family trait. Although they can appear anywhere, they usually affect your legs and your feet. And nearly 20 percent of all adult women are affected by them to some degree.

Not only can they be painful and perhaps unsightly, varicose veins can also become tender to the touch and hinder circulation when inflamed. This causes a myriad of symptoms including c.

Varicose veins are caused by a variety of conditions including dietary deficiencies, heavy lifting, normal hormonal changes due to pregnancy or aging, having a job that requires prolonged sitting or standing, lack of exercise, obesity, genetics – even tight clothing.

But the good news is, there are ways to help alleviate these symptoms so you can feel better and wear your favorite skirt with confidence.

Here are some Aging Backwards tips to help you beat varicose veins:

1. Get your vitamin K. Research shows people who have varicose veins may benefit from extra vitamin K, which is found in tomatoes, broccoli, kale, collard greens, spinach, strawberries and meat.

2. Try a berry good remedy. Bilberry extract has been shown to strengthen fragile blood capillaries and to be effective in reducing numbness, burning and the “pins and needles” sensation in people with varicose veins. Just be sure to check with your doctor before adding any new supplements that may interact with medications you’re already taking.

3. Acupuncture is one method that’s been used to successfully treat varicose veins. It’s an ancient system of healing developed over thousands of years as part of the traditional medicine of China, Japan and other Eastern countries. Acupuncture’s origins lie in China and date back over 5,000 years. Today there are over 3,000,000 practitioners worldwide.

4. Check with your doctor. Many doctors are now using sclerotherapy to treat superficial varicose veins. A sclerosing agent (chemical) is injected into the vein to collapse its walls so it can no longer transport blood. In severe cases, the vein may be surgically removed, but no treatment can prevent new veins from becoming varicose.

Of course there isn’t one treatment that works for everyone, so it’s best to check with your doctor or acupuncturist first and get his or her recommendation for your specific case.

Have a Youthful Day,
Jackie Silver's Signature
Jackie Silver

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