On a recent trip to South America, I stumbled upon a wild rosebush growing high in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

It turns out that this humble shrub in an important key to the smooth and ageless skin of the women who live in this region.
I was so impressed with the oil this plant produces that I brought it back home with me and introduced it to patients in my clinic.
Within weeks, they were telling me that their skin felt softer and more hydrated. Fine lines and dark spots were beginning to appear less visible…
Today, I consider Rosa Affinis Rubiginosa — or rose hip oil — is such a vital step for younger-looking skin that I include it in the signature facial I offer my patients.
Last week, I explained that relieving stress and anxiety with a facial is the first step to flawless skin. The second step — cleansing the skin — is equally important. Especially in today’s toxic environment.
Our modern world is hard on your skin. Every day, your skin is exposed to more than 80,000 chemicals in the air, water and soil.1
And these toxins seep into the deepest layers of your skin.
Now, your skin is designed to remove wastes and toxins. It’s the largest organ involved in eliminating them from your body. About 30% of your body’s waste passes through the skin.
In fact, your skin is designed to release nearly 2 pounds of toxic waste daily through perspiration.
But sweating alone cannot remove these man-made toxins from your skin. Within weeks, it leads to a build-up that causes:
- Wrinkles
- Sagging skin
- Breakouts
- Dry or oily skin
- Uneven, dull skin tone
You need to thoroughly cleanse to remove these toxic pollutants that clog your pores.
Of course, I never recommend commercial cleansers. Even products that are labeled “all-natural” are typically anything but.
And one of the worst ingredients in most cleansers is something called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). That’s the additive that allows cleansing products to foam.
You may see SLS labeled as lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate. And some soap manufacturers will try and tell you it’s “natural” because it comes “from coconut,” or that it’s “coconut derived.” Don’t fall for the hype.
SLS is a dangerous chemical that has been linked to cancer, neurotoxicity, organ toxicity, skin irritation and endocrine disruption.
It’s so toxic that the International Journal of Toxicology says that it has “a degenerative effect on the cell membranes.” And the more frequently you use SLS, the more it’s absorbed into your skin.
And in addition to being a known carcinogen, SLS is also extremely harsh on your skin. It’s a known skin irritant that strips your skin of moisture. Laboratory studies prove SLS promotes skin peeling and dehydration.2 It penetrates your skin’s moisture barrier. It allows other dangerous chemicals to enter your bloodstream.
I believe in using products that come straight from nature. That’s why I’m such a big fan of Rosa Affinis Rubiginosa.

Rosehip oil removes toxic skin impurities
while reversing the signs of aging.
“Rose hips” are the seeds of the rose plant. Their oil gently removes impurities from skin without toxic chemicals. And it reverses signs of aging.”
Until recently, we assumed the oil’s healing powers came from its essential fatty acids. But researchers discovered rose hip seed oil is rich in a form of vitamin A called retinoic acid.
For two years these researchers applied rose hip oil to 180 patients with serious scars and signs of premature aging. Their results were amazing. The rose hip oil dramatically reduced both the scars and wrinkles. It also significantly slowed down the signs of aging.
Retinoic acid also reduces sun damage by boosting collagen formation. You see, collagen breaks down when skin is exposed to damaging UV rays.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers proved retinoic acid reverses collagen damage. They treated 26 patients with retinoic acid or a placebo once a day for 12 months.3
They found that collagen formation was 56% lower in photodamaged skin than in skin protected from the sun. When sun damaged skin was treated with a placebo, collagen production dropped an additional 14%. But skin treated with retinoic acid increased collagen production by 80%.
So why settle for toxic commercial cleansers when you can cleanse and rejuvenate skin with natural rose hip seed oil?
Reverse the Signs of Aging with Rosehip Oil Cleanser
If you can’t come to the clinic for a professional all-natural facial, you can still get the effects of rose oil cleanser in your own home. Here’s a simple recipe:
- 1 Tbsp. organic, cold-pressed 100% rosehip seed oil
- 1 Tbsp. jojoba oil
- Pour the oils into small glass bottle
- Gently shake.
- Massage two drops of the oil blend into your skin for a few minutes.
- Rinse with water and gently pat dry.
I recommend refrigerating your rosehip oil to extend its shelf life.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. If you’re in the South Florida area or just want to learn more about our signature facial, feel free to call my staff at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine at 561-784-7852. They will be happy to answer any questions. And stay tuned as I continue to unveil the steps of our signature facial so you can get flawless skin right from your home.
1. Onstot JD, et al. Characterization of HRGC/MS unidentified peaks from the analysis of human adipose tissue. Volume 1: Technical Approach. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances (560/6-87-002a), 1987.
2. Atrux-Tallau N, et al. “Effects of glycerol on human skin damaged by acute sodium lauryl sulphate treatment.” Arch Dermatol Res. 2010;302(6):435-441.
3. Griffiths CE, et al. “Restoration of collagen formation in photodamaged human skin by tretinoin (retinoic acid).” N Engl J Med. 1993; 329(8):530-535.