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Five Tips for Petite Pores


It’s Like Telling Your Cells to
Look and Act Younger!

There’s a breakthrough ingredient that’s taking the anti-aging industry by storm. And chances are you won’t find it in the cosmetics at your local mall or drug store.

Not only does it maintain beautiful-looking skin, it also can help repair damaged skin to get back your youthful glow.

A recent study looked at women who used this ingredient. Here are the results:i

  • 100% increased the level of moisture in their skin.
  • 100% saw a reduction in the appearance of sun spots.
  • Over 90% saw a decrease in redness and pore size.
  • 75% experienced an improvement in skin tone and elasticity.
  • 75% felt roughness and fine lines faded noticeably

All those results from just one ingredient. Some women even call it their own “fountain of youth.” Click here to see now to see what it can do for your skin.

Have you ever heard of Porexia?

Mary P. Lupo, the professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, coined the term. It describes people who obsess over the size of their pores – and spend a lot of time and effort trying to reduce their size.

Lupo says, “Patients are never completely satisfied, because there isn’t a permanent solution. Beauty is associated with perfect skin and pores are a huge part of that equation. When pores are tighter, light reflects better. You get an overall appearance of vitality, youthfulness and health.”

Sure, everyone wants smooth, silky soft skin. Unfortunately, there’s no permanent way to make your pores shrink. You’re born with what you’re born with.

But I have some good news. I know of five easy ways to make your pores appear smaller to get that flawless, airbrushed finish you’re looking for.

Aging Backwards Tips for Petite Pores

  1. Exfoliate. Dead skin cells can collect in your pores and make them appear bigger. Get rid of the dead skin by exfoliating and you’ll start noticing smoother skin almost immediately. My favorite way to exfoliate is also the most natural way. I gently scrub my face with a nubby washcloth and warm water. It sounds too simple to work, but it does a great job.
  2. Try pore minimizing products. Look for products with hyaluronic acid. Even though this ingredient does not actually reduce the size of your pores, it helps keep your pores clear of debris to give off the appearance of smaller pores.
  3. Dry up. Excessive oiliness can fill up pores with a layer of oil that stretches the pores and makes them more visible. Try using blotting paper throughout the day to absorb excess oil. Be sure to check that your blotting papers don’t contain powder because it can accentuate wrinkles and lines on mature skin.
  4. Consult a pro. Getting regular facials can help keep your pores clean. Blackheads and whiteheads can clog pores. But when your pores are clear of dirt and debris, they’ll appear smaller.
  5. Cool it. According to some experts, pores shrink when exposed to cool temperatures. After cleansing your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser, rinse with cold water to tighten your pores and help keep them clear and clean.

Have a Youthful Day,
Jackie Silver's Signature
Jackie Silver

Jackie Silver

[Ed. Note: Jackie Silver is the author of Aging Backwards: Secrets to Staying Young. She’s a dynamic and beautiful 50-something bombshell who looks half her age. She created “Aging Backwards” in 2006 to help empower women to look and feel younger than their actual age. Keep reading Ageless Beauty Secrets for more of Jackie’s best tips, tricks and secret weapons for stopping the effects of aging and improving the whole self – mind, body and spirit.]

i “Topical Use of Teprenone.” Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma, Inc. 2009

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