Have you ever heard the term senescence? It’s a synonym for aging. Why is this important to you? Because it means your skin no longer produces enough new, healthy cells and begins to sag, wrinkle and look older. But there’s a plant nutrient not very well known in the West that offsets this… Read More
Tag: natural skincare
Seal In Moisture with China’s Anti-Aging Flower
Traditional Chinese doctors have a secret anti-aging treatment for skin. They’ve been using it for more than 2,500 years. This herbal remedy soothes inflammation and infection. It calms itching and burns. In the 17th century this herb finally made its way to Europe. The great Swedish botanist… Read More
Liquid gold for your skin
It’s sometimes called “Liquid Gold” because the oil is so prized. When I went to Africa I saw mothers rub it on newborn babies’ skin, women brush it into their hair. People even sprinkle it on their couscous because the oil is not only good for your skin and hair, but it’s also healthy to… Read More
An Orange A Day Keeps The Plastic Surgeon Away
When I was in my 20s I heard about collagen. It was being used by celebrities to get fuller lips and smoother looking skin. To be honest, I thought it was something foreign and I didn’t want anything to do with it. Later I came to learn that we have collagen in our bodies but would not realize… Read More
Get Your Glow And Groove Back
Most men just don’t understand what it’s like to be a woman. Their idea of getting ready to go out is putting on a different shirt. It’s so easy for them. But I’ve got good news for you… Being a woman doesn’t have to be hard. There are effortless tricks that take just minutes but make… Read More
Wake Up Tired, Aging Skin
Most women come to see me about their health. But a lot of them ask about the health of their skin, too. And their top concern seems to be aging skin. “I use a good cleanser,” they say. “I moisturize and tone. But is there something else I should be doing to keep my skin looking… Read More
Powerful Skin-Restoring Nutrient From Ancient Root
Have you ever heard the term senescence? It’s a synonym for aging. Senescence describes the state of our cells once they’ve reached the end of their life. Why is this important to you? Because it means your skin no longer produces enough new, healthy cells and begins to sag, wrinkle and look… Read More
Is Your Skincare Edible?

Did you know your skin is just like a sponge? Whatever you put on the outside inevitably ends up inside. As an integrative dermatologist, I’m always reminding my patients that skin is a two-way street. What starts out on your plate eventually shows up on your face. Drinking plenty of water and… Read More
My Shortcut For Bright, Healthy Skin
Have you ever noticed that when you return from a vacation by the ocean or a day at the beach your skin has a bright, healthy look to it? Well it’s not just that new tan... Salt water is very healthy for your skin. Because salt is a natural exfoliator. Normally, your skin will have a buildup of… Read More