Busy schedules affect the way we eat, but here are some statistics to "chew on." Nearly four in ten adults usually skip breakfast, what's been called "the most important meal of the day." More than half of the breakfasts eaten by Americans every day are consumed in 10 minutes or less – usually… Read More
Tag: diet
A Few Good Habits Could Lead to Fewer Wrinkles

While some people think they need to overhaul their whole lifestyle in order to look and feel younger, there are simple and speedy things you can do in just a few minutes that could add up to big results. You may see this and think, "That's common sense." Yes it is and if you actually DO it… Read More
Discover Your Skin’s New Best Friend
Antioxidants have certainly generated a buzz in the media lately. And for good reason. These powerful defenders give your skin the protection it needs to fight against free radicals on a day-to-day basis. And this protection is exactly what you need to keep your skin smooth and firm — no matter… Read More
This Superhero Fruit Detoxifies
Did you know eating a simple grapefruit can help you melt fat, detoxify your body and control your blood-sugar levels? That’s why this multipurpose fruit is a superhero in the anti-aging world. According to botanists, the grapefruit is an accidental hybrid between the pummelo and the orange.… Read More
7 Ways to Shed Fat… Fast

Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, If you’ve tried and failed to burn fat in the past, I have good news … my High-Speed Fat Loss program is getting even the most hardened skeptics to change their minds about fat loss. I developed a sure-fire way for you to lose as much weight as you want by… Read More
Jessica Alba Would Be Jealous
If I could show you a photo of an ancient woman, you’d be jealous. Her skin was healthy with few wrinkles and no blemishes. We all want skin like that, right? I’m going to show you exactly how it can be yours, no matter what condition your skin is in today. When I went searching for a cure for… Read More
The Dietary Acne Cure
Dear Beauty Conscious Reader, Something they told me in medical school has to be wrong. I’ve been seeing more and more acne in mature adults. Yet convention claims that the primary cause is genetic. If it were genetic, how can it change in a single generation? One thing is for certain:… Read More
Say Goodbye to Acne
If you suffered from acne as a teenager, you know how hard it can be. The anxiety and embarrassment can be overwhelming. In my own practice, hundreds of teenagers – and many adults too – have come to me for answers after seeing every dermatologist in town. My solution? A better diet. If you… Read More